Day zero- The Raid

This day was a day of madness.We started the day like every other day with all my friends. The lady brought the food and there was a lot of competition, but I managed to have my own share, just like every other day. To give you an idea, I can't even count the number of competitors, but I can say there were a lot of paws competing to reach the bowls. Some of my friends were looking a bit pale, some were pregnant and there were undeveloped versions of us that meowed all the time and bothered us.

This day seemed like any other day until we heard a big noise. Doord opened and there seemed to be a raid. Every body was scared, we all ran into different places, I hid under a sofa. I was so stressed that I can't remember the rest accurately. As far as remember, I was very well hidden until someone pushed me out of my hiding place and I had no way out except going into this rectangular thing. I did not like it at all, I could smell other cats there and this thing was moving a lot, definitely loose in the air, super bumpy .  Fortunately, there was a window and I got to see outside a bit. All my friends were inside similar rectangular things, we had no idea what was happening. I asked around, no body knew what was happening. Some of us started screaming, but I just sat quite, very scared. We were inside this big moving thing and it got very dark inside when this big persons finished putting us all in the big dark space.

 I had no option but to wait and see where destiny takes me... I will write more tomorrow night, it seems like this big person is making some noises, some times she gets up in the middle of the night when she is not supposed to, and looks for me. Very annoying...



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